Focus on the Good
In times like these, it is easy to become overwhelmed by the negative things in life. The uncertainty that comes with the pandemic and resulting economic effects can leave us feeling disheartened and disappointed. Even when things are difficult – or perhaps especially when things are difficult – we as Christians and Cadets are called on to count our blessings and look to what is good. It is in that spirit that we are revisiting some club spotlights and outstanding clubs from this past Cadet season. It is our hope that focusing on what is good will help all of us remember that we should be living for Jesus in ALL that we do.
Servant Leader Award

Holden De Vries joined the Pella Faith CRC Cadet Club as a fourth-grader, and by the time his career as a Cadet ended, he earned the rare Servant Leader Award.
Spotlight on… West Winds Council

The six clubs of West Winds Council – Medicine Hat, Iron Springs, Taber, Granum, Nobleford, and Trinity – coordinated an All Alberta Camporee from July 12 to July 15, 2019. They had a number of activities to prepare the Cadets for the International Camporee, including fire building, axemanship, and knots and lashing. The Cadets did all their own cooking, and each cadre built their own shelter, as they will at Camp Great Lakes.
Spotlight on… Lee Street CRC

Lee Street CRC in Wyoming, MI has been in continual operation since it started back in the 1960s. Today, Lee Street is a largely Hispanic neighborhood and benefits from a multicultural group of cadets and counselors. They have Cadets from second grade on up, many of whom never leave and continue on to become counselors themselves.
Spotlight on… Pease Cadets in Jail?!

Pease Cadets went to jail – for a guided tour. While working on a Law Enforcement merit badge with Counselors Ryan Swanson, Paul Peterson and Junior Counselor Logan Ash, the Beaver cadre received a tour of the county jail from Sgt. Kyle Burton of the Mille Lacs County Sheriff’s Department.
Spotlight on… Friendship Cadets

Friendship Cadets are part of the Thornapple Valley Council in Byron Center, Michigan. When there is a fifth Wednesday in a month they try to have a special event. One particularly exciting presentation was by a falconer who brought a Red-Tailed Hawk that was trained to hunt. A recent fifth Wednesday father-son night included making suncatchers.
Spotlight on… Trinity CRC Cadets

This year Trinity CRC Cadets (Sparta, MI) participated in a service project for Sus Manos Gleaners to prepare food for dehydration. The dehydrated food would then go overseas, likely to Haiti. While only there for a few hours, the food they prepared will be enough to supply approximately 13,000 meals!
Outstanding! Bright Cadet Room

When it was time to repaint the Cadet classroom at Unity Reformed Church of Musk-O-Tawa Council, Head Counselor Cal Veeneman had a bright idea. He took these landmark posters to the paint store and got paint colors to match. The end result is a brightly-colored classroom that looks really “put together.”
Outstanding! Wheaton CRC

When the pandemic kept everyone at home, Cadets at Wheaton CRC met digitally via Zoom.
Outstanding! Orchard Park Wesleyan
Another response to the coronavirus – Cadets at Orchard Park Wesleyan Cadets Club #2047 meeting digitally via Twitch. Get the full story here!
Outstanding! New Life Parade of Flags
New Life Cadet Club #2717 typically marches in the annual New Lenox, Illinois Loyalty Day parade. The parade was canceled this year, but New Life Cadets placed 800 American flags along the parade’s usual route (while observing social distancing protocols). This gesture was greeted with enthusiasm by the public, including a call of appreciation from the commander of the local VFW.
If you have news or information about a Cadet club that you would like to share, please let us know at