Counselor Aid Booklets
The Calvinist Cadet Corps strives to support and encourage all of our counselors. We offer lots of materials to help counselors be as effective as possible in helping boys grow more Christlike in all areas of life. Some particularly helpful (but often overlooked) resources for counselors include our series of Counselor Aid Booklets (CABs).
Counselor Aid Booklets are designed to help counselors with different aspects of the Cadet ministry. Some are geared toward helping counselors put on a successful event (Cadet Week, Cadet-O-Rama, Model Car Derby, Snow Derby, Water Carnival), others deal with badge-related skills (Bicycle Touring, Braiding, Flintknapping, Knife Building, Knots and Lashing, Metalworking), and some cover other relevant topics (Child Abuse, Club Promotion, Discovering God in Nature, Father Involvement in Cadeting). Here is a more detailed overview of each.

Cadet Week (2019)
The Cadet Week CAB is designed to help clubs have a successful Cadet Week and Cadet Sunday. It contains information on planning and promoting related events, as well as ideas for activities for Cadet Week and Cadet Sunday. Sample invitations, ideas for place cards and table decorations, as well as a planning chart are included.

Cadet-O-Rama (2020)
Facilitate what can be a complex event more easily with this CAB. From the basic idea of what a Cadet-O-Rama is, to recommendations for putting together a Cadet-O-Rama committee, to possible award categories and judging rules, this CAB is a big help. This CAB also includes a Cadet-O-Rama Plan, Cadet-O-Rama Summary, and a sample registration form.

Model Car Derby (2020)
This CAB includes ideas for promoting a Model Car Derby (before and after the event), along with information on effective car construction and racing procedures. Also included is a racing bracket template and instructions for making a model car derby track.

Snow Derby (2020)
The Snow Derby CAB will give you lots of ideas for a successful event in the snow. This CAB includes tips for success, recommendations for staffing, suggested layouts and maps, a helpful team equipment list, and judging guidelines. Also included are sample judge’s scorecard and registration form, along with plans for a snow derby sled.

Water Carnival (2020)
Put together a great time in the water with this CAB that is packed with ideas for games you can play and races you can run. The Water Carnival CAB contains instructions for a dozen games and races, along with tips on keeping score if you want to make your water carnival competitive.

Bicycle Touring (2015)
This CAB serves as a guide for putting together an entire bike tour of a region, from planning logistics and concerns to training and touring. This CAB also includes information on why bicycle touring can be valuable physically, aesthetically, and spiritually.

Braiding (2020)
The Braiding CAB will get you started with learning braiding terms and general instructions. From there, it shows you how to make some common braids (four-strand round, four-strand square, four-strand spiral, six-strand round, and eight-plait spiral), and ends with projects you can make with your braiding skills (lanyard, metal blank bracelet, eight-strand belt, two kinds of wristbands, and a dog leash). If you like paracord, you will really like this CAB.

Flintknapping (2020)
Take a deep dive into a skill that’s fun to practice. This CAB introduces the tools and types of rocks involved in flintknapping and covers safety equipment, terminology, methods of working the rock, and suggested projects.
Knife Building (2018)
This CAB begins with a history of knives, types of knives (and their uses), parts of knives, and getting to know metals. With those basics covered, the CAB goes step-by-step through the process of designing, rough cutting, grinding, heat treating, and making a handle for a complete knife. Also included is “Knife Building in the Real World” – an article that follows a club through their knife-making project.
Knots and Lashing (2020)
The Knots and Lashing CAB takes a good look at lots of knots and several lashing techniques. After learning rope care and rope terminology, this CAB will show you how to tie knots like the square knot, sheepshank, sheet bend, clove hitch, bowline, and more. Learn some different kinds of lashes, including square, continuous, diagonal, and sheer. Illustrations and ideas for lashed-together camp furniture are included.
Metalworking (2020)
If you need ideas for metalworking projects, this CAB has lots of them. Nearly a dozen how-to projects are included that cover a variety of metalworking skills and tools. This CAB also includes several welding ideas.
Child Abuse (2018)
This CAB extensively covers an uncomfortable but necessary topic. The purpose of this CAB is to reduce the risk to kids, reduce the liability of the church, avoid unwholesome or unsafe situations, deal appropriately with abuse situations that do occur, and encourage policies that will protect leaders as well as children. Several examples of policies and related documents are included.
Club Promotion (2019)
If you’re trying to grow or strengthen your Cadet club, consider taking a look at this CAB for ideas. It covers target audiences and how to reach them in your club, your church, and your community. It also includes an example Cadet bulletin board layout, in-depth instructions on running an advertisement on Facebook, and sample letters to church leaders and parents.
Discovering God in Nature (2020)
This CAB begins by developing a Christian perspective toward nature (complete with numerous Bible references) and continues with loads of nature projects (organized by month). There are also lots of ideas for experiments in nature, and several charts that will help you and your Cadets explore God’s creation.
Father Involvement in Cadeting (2020)
This CAB explores the relationships of fathers and sons, particularly as they relate to Cadets. It contains lots of ideas on getting father figures involved with Cadets and includes ideas for appropriate skits and games for father/son events.
You may have seen some of these Counselor Aid Booklets before, but please note that nearly every CAB has been updated in the last few years. If you don’t have the latest version, you could be missing out. Consider purchasing a few CABs (or the whole set) for your counselors and club.
Each Counselor Assistance Booklet is available individually:
Or save a little time and money and just buy the complete set:
Do you have comments or questions about the Counselor Aid Booklets? Let us know at