CadetZone 2024-2025

CadetZone is back for the 2024-2025 season!

Designed for boys, includes all the badges not found in the R•P•B Guidebook and Cadet Quest magazine content and bonus features.

Once officially registered, each club can get access for all cadets. Cadets sign up through their club, so if you don’t have access yet, check with your head counselor to see if your club is set up on CadetZone.

Using CadetZone is pretty simple. Once logged in, cadets have access to everything CadetZone has to offer.

Merit Badges

If you have the R•P•B Guidebook, you know that many merit badges are listed in addition to the ones included. CadetZone is where cadets can access these badges. Badges are organized alphabetically into the same categories as in the R•P•B Guidebook, and the site’s search function can make finding badges even easier. Use CadetZone to access, preview, download, and print merit badges. Note that cadets cannot work toward or complete the badges online, as we’d rather have them keep “screen time” to a minimum.

Cadet Quest Features/Bonuses

CadetZone also includes features and bonus content from the CadetQuest magazine. Check out the fun and games pages (printable versions are available), read the jokes, and see if you found all the hidden objects in this issue. Plus, get access to bonus videos that complement the print version of the Quest.

Living for Jesus Online

CadetZone is designed to be an online place for cadets, and we strive to use this technology responsibly and in a way that helps boys become more Christlike in all areas of life. Therefore, CadetZone is not designed to be a place where cadets spend lots of time. Websites can be great tools, but as an organization, Cadets would rather have boys and their counselors working together in person toward completing badges, working through Bible lessons, and following the Cadet landmarks.


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