A storied history
The Calvinist Cadet Corps has been around since 1952. Here are a just a few of the milestones we’ve passed between then and now.

September 11, 1950
First Constitution Written
Later that year the CRC synod appointed a committee to study Boy’s Club activities during the year.
October 16, 1952
First Constitutional Revision
This was the actual beginning of the Calvinist Cadet Corps.
November, 1954
First Cadet Guidebook presented
Final draft was presented to the Federation Board by Mart Keuning
November, 1955
First Clarion published
The first issue of the official magazine for counselors
September, 1958
Jake Heerema hired as Executive Director
December, 1958
First issue of Crusader published
August, 1961
Mart Keuning hired as Executive Director
Counselor's Guidebook and revised Cadet Guidebook published
September, 1963
Stu Hamstra hired as Executive Director
January, 1964
Mart Keuning hired as Executive Director
Merit badge booklets and counselor aid booklets introduced
July/August, 1966
First International Camporee
Held in the Rocky Mountains near Denver, Colorado, with approximately 300 in attendance.
July/August, 1969
Second International Camporee
Again held near Denver, Colorado.
August, 1969
Mike McGervey hired as Executive Director
February, 1970
Cadet Congress adopts set of goals for cadeting
Congress also mandated a revision in the Cadet program materials to better meet these goals, and added the dimension of “witnessing” as a formal and integral part of cadeting.
March, 1971
Cadet Corps moved into United Calvinist Youth building
July/August, 1972
Third International Camporee
Held in Land-Between-the-Lakes, Kentucky, with just over 400 in attendance.
October, 1972
Calvinist Cadet Corps celebrated 20 years of service to God
Voyageurs begun
An advanced program for 14-15-year-old boys
Guide Trails drafted
A program for 12–14-year-old boys
July/August, 1974
Fourth International Camporee
Held at Mt. Pilchuck Tree Farm in northwest Washington, about 60 miles from Seattle, with approximately 450 in attendance.
Guide Trails developed
June, 1977
Dave Koetje hired as executive director
July/August, 1978
Fifth International Camporee
Held at Hoag’s Lake in Manistee National Forest, Michigan, with approximately 600 in attendance.
The Junior Cadet program introduced for 7- and 8-year-old boys
July/August, 1978
Sixth International Camporee
Held at Custer State Park in the Black Hills of South Dakota, with nearly 900 people attending.
Calvinist Cadet Corps celebrated 30 years of service to God
After 30 years of ministry and growth, cadeting was a network of 3,000 counselors working with 14,500 boys in 600 clubs throughout North America.
July, 1983
Dick Broene, former Corps President, hired as executive director
July/August, 1984
Seventh International Camporee
Held at Sonny Meadows near Yosemite National Park, California, with approximately 800 in attendance.
July, 1987
Eighth International Camporee
Held at Camp Beaver Dam near Orangeville, Ontario, with approximately 1,050 in attendance. It was the first international camporee to be held in Canada.
Junior Cadet program added merit badges and ranks
August, 1990
Ninth International Camporee
The ninth and largest international camporee to date was hosted by Hawkeye Council near Cedar Falls in northeast Iowa. It was also the most challenging, as a flood forced the men to find a new location and make drastic changes merely five days before the event began. A total of 1,150 campers had to be rerouted and settled in a new spot. God, as always, provided the blessing needed, and a wonderful experience was the result.
July, 1993
Tenth International Camporee
The 1993 International Camporee broke attendance records, bringing 1,300 people to a wilderness setting between Kalkaska and Grayling, Michigan.
July, 1996
Eleventh International Camporee
The international camporee broke attendance records at 1,813 campers. The camporee was in Bow Valley Provincial Park — the Canadian Rockies in Alberta.
August, 1999
Twelfth International Camporee
Held at London Mills, Illinois, the event attracted 1,082 participants to experience God in the wilderness.
January, 2000
Cadets were offered a new top award – the Servant Leader award
To earn it, a boy has to progress through all the ranks of cadeting, show significant leadership in a council event, and participate in a Christian service project for at least five days. A significant award, it would not be earned by anyone in cadeting for years to come.
January, 2001
Congress adopted a mission statement for the Calvinist Cadet Corps: “Helping boys to grow more Christlike in all areas of life.”
July, 2002
Thirteenth International Camporee
The second-largest international camporee to date was held at Camp Chinook in Southwest Alberta. The 1,538 registrants experienced some new activities, such as fishing, kite building, climbing, and rappelling.
October, 2002
Cadeting turned 50 years old
Records showed that it had 632 clubs, 4,113 counselors, and 12,878 Cadets.
September, 2003
First issue of Cadet Quest published
Cadet Quest replaced Crusader as the magazine for Cadets ages 9-14.
April, 2004
Cornel Rylaarsdam Memorial Fund established
July, 2005
Fourteenth International Camporee
Held at Camp Diamond Trail near Runnells, Iowa, with 1,288 campers in attendance.
August, 2008
Fifteenth International Camporee
Held at Camp Northern Lights in Ontario, Canada. Rain and mud forced an evacuation of camp half-way through the week.
July/August, 2011
Sixteenth International Camporee
Held at Camp Whitetail near Reed City, Michigan.
January, 2014
Mission Statement/Counselor Landmark
Congress approved making the CCC mission statement a landmark for Cadet counselors: “Helping boys to grow more Christlike in all areas of life.”
July, 2014
Seventeenth International Camporee
Kamp Lone Pine, near Blackfalds, Alberta
February, 2016
Steve Bootsma hired as Executive Director
July, 2017
Eighteenth International Camporee
Held at Camp Elk Run in the Black Hills of South Dakota, with over 1,200 in attendance.