2025 March Cadet Quest

The March issue of Cadet Quest magazine is here!

Let’s open it up and give it a smell, er, look!

This month, the theme is SMELLY.

See if you can find the seven trash cans hidden throughout this issue.

Counselor Steve introduces the SMELLY theme.

In “Being Prepared to Avoid Stinking,” a story by Emily Acker, Dayton learns what really stinks.

Jason is a Cadet counselor and a waste management professional. He has some insight into the world of smells. (Bonus video on CadetZone, too!)

What do you know about your nose? Get a snootful of information with “Your Smelliest Friend,” by Lucinda J. Rollings.

Learn more about your sense of smell with these Fun Facts.

This month’s Bible lessons cover various topics, including a SMELLY theme lesson.

How good is your sense of smell? You and your friends can test your noses by building this Scent Detective Box.

Nancy E. Keyes explores the many smells humans make in her article “People Stink.”

“Jesus Experienced the Amazing Power of Smell,” by Angela Marie Ferioli, explores the connection between smells, memories, and emotions.

Can you solve the “Foul or Fresh” puzzle by Maureen Longnecker?

Don’t miss the jokes scattered around the page.

Casey has a great idea for setting up his cadre’s campsite.

That’s it for this issue of Cadet Quest magazine!

If you have any questions or comments about Cadet Quest magazine, please contact info@calvinistcadets.org.