2020 Executive Committee
Leadership is important in any group. The leadership of the Calvinist Cadet Corps is embodied in the CCC Executive Committee.
From the CCC Constitution and Bylaws:
“The Executive Committee ensures that the decisions of congress are carried out by the staff, reviews proposals for congress, develops and oversees the budget, and makes decisions that affect how the work of the staff is accomplished.”
This is the dry way of saying that the Executive Committee members work to see to it that at any given time the Calvinist Cadet Corps is moving in a direction and manner that is appropriate to its mission.
The Executive Committee consists of nine men – the Corps President, six directors-at-large, and the CCC Executive Director and Chaplain. The president and directors are elected at Congress for three-year terms, staggered in such a way that two new members are elected every year.
Here, then, is the 2020 CCC Executive Committee:

What is readily apparent, from the uniforms if nothing else, is that these men are on the same team. What is perhaps not as obvious is the variety and extent of experience and wisdom that these men bring with them to the Executive Committee. Some members live and work in West Michigan, while a few reside in Ontario and Alberta, Canada. Some live in urban or suburban areas, while others live in more rural settings. They are employees and employers, both of self and others. They include farmers, technicians, supervisors, and business owners. Some, but not all, were cadets themselves. They represent a variety of denominations within the church. These differences bring both strength and flexibility to the Executive Committee, as each man brings his own unique viewpoint to the table, and works with the others to further the reach and effectiveness of the Calvinist Cadet Corps.
This unity in purpose is something that every member of the Executive Committee has in common, and it is readily apparent when you hear them talk about Cadets. They are all counselors, and their enthusiasm for Cadets is obvious when they discuss the ministry. Our CCC President, Dave Mast, for example, enjoys getting away from the usual environment and sharing the Word with boys out in God’s creation. In his words, “Being on a campout and away from home can open up a boy. He’s experiencing new things, feeling vulnerable, or homesick, or excited. Campouts tend to bring out these chances to mentor a young man. That’s my favorite thing about cadets.”
Other Executive Committee members share similar sentiments. For Rich VanVeen, a favorite part of Cadets is “…being able to see the boys every week, making those connections with them and seeing their excitement and progress as they work through their badges and projects.”
“My passion for cadets is kindled by the desire to help the boys become future Christian leaders in the church,” says Gerrit Sterk.
Randy TenBrink adds, “The world is filled with boys that need the help of someone who is grounded in their faith and is willing to take the time to work with them. The Calvinist Cadet Corps has provided that platform.”
The attitude of all committee members is summed up nicely by Executive Director Steve Bootsma, “What do I like best about Cadets? All of it!”
The Executive Committee is a group of men that vary widely in their backgrounds and life experiences but are united in working toward one purpose – helping boys grow more Christlike in all areas of life. We ask that you raise these men up in your prayers. We thank God for them and their willingness to serve on the Executive Committee, and we pray that God will grant them the wisdom, discernment, and strength to continue leading the Calvinist Cadet Corps.